Jake O’Connor – Alcohol and Drug Addiction Coach and Hypnotherapist for High-Functioning Addiction

I get High-Functioning addicts 30 days of sobriety within the next 90 days, without ‘just stopping’, by rewiring the subconscious mind so the changes last a lifetime, using my simple 3-step method.

Welcome. Are you self-employed or run your own business? Work in a successful career? Have a high-pressure role with responsibilities? Do you tend to find yourself having addictive patterns of behaviour such as using substances to fuel work performance? To regain calm from a stressful working environment? But still have your life together on the outside? Then this is High-Functioning Addiction. Explore my website, my story and how I can help you.

Connect with me

Having read who I am and how I can help, I’m hoping you’ve clicked this page to connect with me. Here I am. All I ask from you is to fill in this short form to provide me with some context. Once this has been submitted, I will be in touch to get a free consultation call arranged to see if we’re a good fit for each other.

My mission is to help as many people as possible, hoping you will be one of them.

With love, Jake.

What people say about my services:

Contact me

If you’ve got any questions or queries you’d like answered before applying for coaching sessions then please fill out the below form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!